
Terms of Use


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsam laboriosam voluptate nihil omnis necessitatibus accusantium quibusdam dicta velit? Cupiditate alias sequi quia, repudiandae reprehenderit magnam est voluptas minima dicta aliquam, sed aliquid consequatur quo tempora qui accusamus omnis perferendis! Eum quia sequi officiis veritatis ipsam culpa harum quam, iusto molestias ab in dolorem sed eius debitis inventore nulla quisquam. Ut, dolor eligendi! Repellat error veniam, dolor ipsam deserunt tempore laboriosam.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur, quo sint ipsam corporis tempora officia debitis impedit eaque labore fugit provident illo dolores sed illum doloribus quibusdam fugiat minima eius architecto rerum ratione libero et? Cum voluptatum maxime sequi fugit.

When you see the word “use” or “using” we mean any time you, directly or indirectly, attempt to or actually do access, interact, display, view, browse, print, copy, transmit, receive or exchange data, messages, content or you otherwise communicate with us or anyone else, including another user, advertiser or any person, firm or business you may encounter on or through any of our Sites. We will also consider you to be using our Sites if you utilize, benefit, take advantage of or interact with any Content in, on or available through any of our Sites, for any purpose, or if you try to do any of these things. If you use any of our Sites you agree and acknowledge that (i) you have read and understand the legal agreement you have with us, including these Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy and any Additional Terms; (ii) that unless you immediately stop using or trying to use all of our Sites, you will be signifying your agreement to be legally bound by and comply with all of the terms and conditions that apply to you under these Terms of Use; and (iii) you must be at least 18 years old or the age of majority in your jurisdiction, if different. If you are under the age of majority in your jurisdiction then you may only use the Sites with your parent or legal guardian’s permission. As set forth in our Privacy Policy, our Sites are not intended for children under the age of 18 and we do not knowingly solicit or collect Personal Information (as that term is defined in the Privacy Policy) from children under the age of 13.

Usage Rules

We reserve the right to deny access to the user to any and all parts of our Site for any reason, and at our sole discretion. You may never use, allow or enable others to use our Sites or knowingly condone use of our Sites to do or attempt to:

  • Violate any laws, regulations, judicial or governmental order, treaties or our rights or the rights of any other person, firm or enterprise
  • Engage in conduct which is libelous, defamatory, indecent, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit or sexually suggestive, racially, culturally or ethnically offensive, harmful, bullying, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, objectionable, discriminatory or abusive.
  • Impersonate any other person, firm or enterprise or any of our or their employees and agents or otherwise use any fake, false, or fictitious names, emails, or profiles, or
  • Use our Sites for uploading or otherwise using malicious or unauthorized code, (e.g. viruses, cancel bots, worms, Trojan horses, spyware) or other potentially harmful material or information or in any way interrupt, damage, interfere with, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or communication equipment, including our Sites.
  • Gain unauthorized use of our Sites, other users’ accounts, names, login or password information, Personal Information or use our Sites in any manner which violates or is inconsistent with the provisions or spirit of our Terms of Use.
  • Modify, disrupt, impair, alter or interfere with the use, features, functions, operation or maintenance of our Sites or the rights or use and enjoyment of our Sites by any other person, firm or enterprise.
  • Collect, obtain, compile, scrape, frame, gather, transmit, reproduce, delete, revise, view or display the Site, the Content, or any material or information, whether personally identifiable or not, submitted, provided or made available by or concerning any other person, firm or enterprise.
  • Engage in any activity or fail to report any activity involving SPAM, junk e-mail, chain letters, duplicative or unsolicited messages, or so-called “spamming” and “phishing” or other similar schemes; or
  • Use our Site or any Content for commercial or business purposes, including advertising, marketing, selling or offering goods or services, whether or not for financial benefit or any other form of compensation or consideration or through linking with any other website or web pages; or
  • Use any robot, spider or other automated means to access, scrape, harvest, or mine our Sites, the Content, or the services for any reason without our prior written consent.


Our Privacy Policy is available on this Site, by accessing any of our Sites, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of our Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy and any Additional Terms, along with the Terms of Use form a part of Hold n Heal’s agreement with you the user. Read the Privacy Policy carefully as it describes, among other things, how we collect and use information we obtain when you use our Sites.

Possible Errors and Changes

The information on our sites may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. Hold n heal reserves the right to make additions, deletions, or modifications to the content on any of our sites at any time without prior notice. Hold n heal also reserves the right to withdraw any of our sites or any information or content contained on our sites from the internet or app stores at any time without prior notice. Anyone using any of our sites or the information they contain assumes full responsibility of any and all risks arising from or related to the use of such sites or the information they contain.

Vistor Submissions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita ab deserunt, harum labore dolorum praesentium omnis itaque delectus nemo placeat adipisci nulla at? Possimus nihil tempore, est consequuntur repellendus eveniet, quo ab aperiam qui non quibusdam harum ipsum minima aliquam doloremque expedita omnis neque accusamus, nesciunt porro fugit?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Temporibus, enim nostrum? Ad voluptates voluptatem vitae obcaecati corporis eaque adipisci quos iusto impedit id vel ipsam, dolore similique dolorem quisquam minus veniam odio officiis tempore asperiores sed cum temporibus vero. Eligendi harum sed sunt vero ea doloribus a fugiat natus, nostrum, excepturi molestias tenetur pariatur beatae quo voluptatem unde. Dicta, facilis! Vero distinctio praesentium eius minus, explicabo fugiat recusandae id in culpa, iure obcaecati provident. Sit debitis voluptates totam dolorum dolores officiis blanditiis amet at voluptas minus, vel provident accusantium, fugiat deserunt deleniti quasi, voluptatem ullam! Voluptate beatae blanditiis iure optio.

If you are dissatisfied with any feature, operability, Content, these Terms of Use, other agreements we may impose as a condition of usage, or any other component of our Sites, your sole remedy is to discontinue use of our Site, mobile platform .

Conditions of Use, Notices and Changes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptates debitis voluptatum totam quae inventore porro excepturi ab? Veniam reprehenderit fugit nisi, quos voluptatum fuga quasi maiores quam aperiam iusto ab quod soluta consequatur nihil suscipit ducimus eligendi? Quibusdam nulla aperiam facere necessitatibus perferendis quaerat, error molestias non debitis! Nihil non mollitia sapiente! Mollitia sunt nesciunt quia, ducimus explicabo omnis laudantium dicta, obcaecati commodi aliquid necessitatibus soluta a dolorum unde qui.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex, soluta beatae, est praesentium itaque similique odio expedita minima ut veritatis quidem hic minus molestiae deserunt velit perspiciatis doloribus harum perferendis explicabo illum ipsa nemo dignissimos? Autem laboriosam voluptatem veniam, aspernatur ut alias error laudantium soluta adipisci, amet iusto, nemo saepe! Iusto maxime consequatur vero aliquam expedita sed necessitatibus magnam pariatur, tempora suscipit quibusdam non incidunt quis asperiores quidem modi, earum possimus, eveniet maiores. Earum laborum a, quod quam iusto labore, ducimus, doloremque voluptas facilis molestiae ipsa culpa suscipit. Magnam minima odit provident? Voluptas illo accusantium molestias porro deleniti eos dignissimos quidem error? Maiores voluptatum nam molestiae pariatur dicta magnam mollitia nulla, exercitationem illo ipsam voluptatem minus fugit modi quia suscipit est at similique sequi? Excepturi molestias voluptates officiis quidem minima nobis perferendis laborum ut eligendi quis hic, earum dignissimos asperiores, non temporibus voluptas laudantium debitis laboriosam itaque cum. Aperiam, debitis?


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